Our strategic partners

Our services and products

We promote industrial growth through the import and distribution of raw materials.

We provide comprehensive services to promote international trade between our clients and suppliers.

We offer customized, high-quality logistics services tailored to your business.

We market and distribute raw materials for the Footwear, Rubber, Plastics and Thermoplastics, Paper, and Food Industries.

We trade rubber for industries including tires, adhesives, construction, automotive, agriculture, cosmetics, mining, petroleum, paints, and more.

Since 1980, we have been dedicated to trading cutting-edge materials, contributing to the production of Argentine footwear with a significant presence in the sector.

We distribute products of excellent quality and the highest safety standards for the food, cosmetic, and medical industries.

Distribution of thermoplastics and innovative compounds with quality service and technical advice, optimizing materials engineering.

Conoce todas las soluciones que ofrecemos descargando el catálogo

Ofrecemos soluciones para todo tipo de industrias: Agrícola, Petrolera, Automotriz, de Calzado, Cosmética, Minería, Pinturas y mucho más.

Sobre Nosotros

Por qué elegirnos

Fundada en 1959

Gran trayectoria de crecimiento y sostenibilidad con el fin de evolucionar en el mercado nacional y Mercosur


Nos comprometemos con nuestro cliente. Ofreciendo siempre la mejor atención y calidad.


Fomentamos el compromiso y la constante profesionalización de nuestros colaboradores.

Estandar de calidad

Unidad, armonía, equidad, honestidad y compromiso son los valores que nos guían en nuestro proyecto.

Contact us for comprehensive guidance.

Avenida García del Río 3095/99  | Working hours: Mon-Fri 8h-17h

Call us

Line 1 : (+54 11) 4703 – 1516
Line 2 : (+54 11) 4703 – 1517


Whatsapp: +54 9 11 4445 5799